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TDA: On The Go Podcast

Conversations, news and legislative updates. We promote the vitality and safety of Wisconsin's transportation system, including highways, public transit systems, public-use and general aviation airports, railroads, commercial ports, and roads.

Nov 24, 2019

Wisconsin is the 5th largest state for growing and exporting Christmas trees and this coming weekend will be the busiest weekend for Wisconsinites who choose to cut
and buy a real tree.

Greg Hann, owner of Hann's Christmas Farm in Oregon, Wisconsin and president of the Wisconsin Christmas Tree Producers...

Nov 11, 2019

It's National Apprenticeship Week! In this episode of On the Go, Debby interviews Jessica Benson, a third-year carpenter's apprentice and Andrew Disch, Wisconsin Political Director for the North Central States Regional Council of Carpenters. They discuss how apprenticeship opportunities help individual...

Oct 17, 2019

Tom Bressner, Executive Director of the Wisconsin Agri-Business Association joins Debby for this episode of the TDA: On The Go Podcast.

Tom details how transportation infrastructure is a key element in his members' economic success.  He also discusses how his organization is training the next generation of leaders and...

Sep 9, 2019

Tracy Johnson, president and CEO of the Commercial Association of REALTORS® Wisconsin, is our featured guest. The trade association executive explains why commercial REALTORS® have a keen interest in infrastructure and transit issues and how infrastructure investments help propel her industry. Tracy and TDA's Debby...

Aug 7, 2019

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has launched an innovative reform to save cost and time on local bridge projects in cooperation with Wisconsin’s county highway departments. In this episode, Dan Fedderly, executive director of the Wisconsin County Highway Association, joins Debby Jackson of TDA and...