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TDA: On The Go Podcast

Conversations, news and legislative updates. We promote the vitality and safety of Wisconsin's transportation system, including highways, public transit systems, public-use and general aviation airports, railroads, commercial ports, and roads.

Apr 11, 2023

At the 2023 TDA Fly-in to Washington, DC, there was much focus on the discretionary grants in the federal infrastructure law and the need to bring a fair share of those dollars home to Wisconsin. In the latest On The Go podcast, TDA Executive Director Debby Jackson speaks with Rob Krejci, the highway commissioner for St. Croix County, about these funding opportunities from a county's perspective. 

Rob shares how a trio of Wisconsin counties — St. Croix, Dunn, and Eau Claire — partnered and successfully worked with the USDOT to obtain a $500,000 Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) action plan grant. This plan will unlock future implementation grant opportunities. Rob hopes other counties and municipalities will benefit from what they learned during the application process.